195: A Christmas Massacre. Keweenaw National Historical Park.
195: A Christmas Massacre. Keweenaw National Historical Park.  
Podcast: National Park After Dark
Published On: Mon Dec 25 2023
Description: The Copper Mining Strike of 1913 became one of the most violent in United States History. When strikers throw a Christmas Eve Party for their families and children, 73 people end up dead when someone falsely yells, "fire!" Resources: Book:  Death’s Door The truth behind the Italian Hall Disaster and the Strike of 1913 by Steve Lehto, MTU, NPS, NPS (2) We love our National Parks and we know you do too but when you're out there, remember to enjoy the view but watch your back. Please take a moment to rate and subscribe from wherever you’re listening to NPAD! Become part of our Outsider family on Patreon  or Apple Subscriptions to gain access to ad-free episodes, bonus content, and more. Follow our socials Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. To share a Trail Tale, suggest a story, access merch, and browse our book recommendations - head over to our website. Thank you so much to our partners, check them out! Quince: Use our link to get free shipping and 365-day returns. Microdose Gummies: Use code NPAD to get free shipping and 30% off your first order. Lume Deodorant: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code [NPAD] at LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Hello Fresh: Use our link and code npadfree for free breakfast for life.
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