Butcher, Bakers, Menu Makers
Butcher, Bakers, Menu Makers  
Podcast: Homemaker Chic
Published On: Wed Sep 15 2021
Description: You asked for it so we are DISHING how we are staying sane this fall with menu making.  We're only a week in and it's already saving our derrière. We sharing deets and sharing our six favorite recipes with our Patrons too!For clean, refreshing wines: https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchic Dry Farm Wines is wine supplier that sources organic, biodynamic, naturally yeasted, low-sugar, lower-alcohol wines from all over the world. Dry Farm Wines finds boutique, family-owned, small-scale wineries and bring their wine to the US for our tasting pleasure. This is supporting regenerative agriculture at it’s finest and it tastes delicious. Better, not more! This is guilt-free wine, my friends. Paleo, Keto, and diet-friendly. You must try Dry Farm Wines MUCH better wines. You can get either 3, 6, or 12 bottles delivered to your door monthly. Drink Dry Farm Wines with Ang and Shaye!  https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicTHANK YOU!  American Blossom linens for being the official SEASON 8 SPONSOR!Invest once!  Enjoy forever!   The ONLY ORGANIC, ALL AMERICAN-made sheets on the market! American Blossom Linens / americanblossomlinens.com / Coupon Code: HOMEMAKERCHIC20THANKS TO OUR SPONSORSHouse of Tocumen OUR FAVORITE rugs! www.hotrugs.netDid you know, these beautiful, vintage handmade rugs are known to outlast their plastic counterparts by two decades!  All of the House of Tocumen rugs are heirloom quality and made from the finest cotton and sheep's wools.The Elliott Homestead Cooking Community / cook.theelliotthomestead.com This is for those home cooks out there who would love some new inspiration, ideas, and motivation in the kitchen. Each month, I create five brand new, whole-food, price-conscious, from-scratch recipes each month and either ship them to you physically in the mail or deliver them to your inbox – whichever you prefer.Toups & Co  www.toupsandco.com Coupon Code: HOMEMAKER  Toups and Co. is your one-stop online shop for all things natural and organic. They do things differently! ThSEASON SPONSOR DRY FARM WINES!Get a bottle for a penny with your first order of these beautiful, biodynamic wines. Low alcohol, no sugar added wines from Europe and beyond.https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicGet luxury linens from our friends at American Blossom Linens and save 20% with code SING20: https://americanblossomlinens.comFind chemical-free, designer-quality skincare and makeup and save 10% with the code HMC10: https://toupsandco.com/Clean, CLEAN with Branch Basics! https://branchbasics.com/ Coupon code HOMEMAKERCHICIf you enjoy wine, drink Dry Farms: https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicBe your home's BEST interior designer with Angela's Old World Design Society. Click here for ONE WEEK FREE.Want to skill up in the kitchen? Visit cook.theelliotthomestead.com for 5 new recipes and tutorials a month!Follow up on YouTube for FULL Videos:https://www.youtube.com/@homemakerchicpodcast (Please note episodes can run up to a couple weeks late on Yout...