Podcast:Homemaker Chic Published On: Mon May 03 2021 Description: No cabbage how-tos or no weed prevention here. Today we are taking a turn, a romantic stroll thru the garden. Poems, favorite books, quotes, and all our ponderings on the garden and its impact on our five senses.Pour a glass of Dry Farm Wines and walk the gardens with us? Perhaps a rosé? Cue the wine music!You need refreshing, CLEAN Wine for Spring!!!https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicrose You can get either 3,6 or 12 bottles delivered to your door monthly. Drink Dry Farm Wines with Ang and Shaye!Try our new Rose special for Spring! Three bottles of rosé plus a bonus bottle for a penny! https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicroseToday's show is brought to you by the OLD WORLD DESIGN SOCIETY! https://www.parisiennefarmgirl.com/old-world-design-society Craving inspiration? Velvet sofas, gilded frames, ironstone, hand-sewn linens, vintage books, regal estates, and charming cottages? As a part of the Old World Design Society, you’ll have access to rich, inspiring creativity and education and, best of all, you’ll meet friends who speak your language. Enjoy a quarterly publication (paper or digital), online group support, design challenges, early access to Angela's Private Collection Sales, and more! https://www.parisiennefarmgirl.com/old-world-design-society/SEASON SPONSOR DRY FARM WINES!Get a bottle for a penny with your first order of these beautiful, biodynamic wines. Low alcohol, no sugar added wines from Europe and beyond.https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicGet luxury linens from our friends at American Blossom Linens and save 20% with code SING20: https://americanblossomlinens.comFind chemical-free, designer-quality skincare and makeup and save 10% with the code HMC10: https://toupsandco.com/Clean, CLEAN with Branch Basics! https://branchbasics.com/ Coupon code HOMEMAKERCHICIf you enjoy wine, drink Dry Farms: https://www.dryfarmwines.com/homemakerchicBe your home's BEST interior designer with Angela's Old World Design Society. Click here for ONE WEEK FREE.Want to skill up in the kitchen? Visit cook.theelliotthomestead.com for 5 new recipes and tutorials a month!Follow up on YouTube for FULL Videos:https://www.youtube.com/@homemakerchicpodcast (Please note episodes can run up to a couple weeks late on Yout...