TGI – Episode 524 “Graduation”
TGI – Episode 524 “Graduation”  
Podcast: Pod Meets World
Published On: Thu Dec 19 2024
Description: We’ve made it! We've earned our diplomas and now it’s time to leave not only John Adams high, but also - Boy Meets World, Season Five. Some familiar faces have returned for class, but one show favorite didn't quite get the respectful send-off he deserved. And even though it was a joyous celebration, that didn’t stop WIll and Matt from pulling a prank during rehearsal! And with a big, yet somewhat disappointing, graduation speech, the gang wonders if Shawn was the actual star of this season, while Will details how his "To Sir" close-up, and two very special cameos, came together. And Topanga has made her big decision, giving the show its biggest cliffhanger yet! The gang knows they're in for a new era of BMW - but it all starts with this season finale rewatch on Pod Meets World...See for privacy information.