Podcast:Don't Make Me Come Back There with Dustin & Melissa Nickerson Published On: Wed Jan 05 2022 Description: One is the loneliest number, but Mel and Dustin are TOGETHER in the Frontseat to discuss a blog article on adult loneliness, the difficulty of making friends as an adult, and how friendship is so different from when we were kids. PLUS...bonus Holiday Horror Stories! Want to be a part of the show? Shoot us a message to dontmakemecomebackthere@gmail.com and get your very own horrible parenting/relationship advice. Bark Technologies is a parental control phone monitoring app that helps keep kids safe online. Follow this link to get a free 7 day trial and 15% off the lifetime of your subscription or use code DONTMAKEME. Go to www.MunchieMug.com where you can use promo code DONTMAKEME for 25% off and FREE shipping on your order of the world's #1 premium no-spill snack cup. Check out our new Patreon page! Head to https://www.patreon.com/DustinNickerson for exclusive bonus content and to help support the show.