207: Why You Should Travel With Your Young Kids (Replay)
Podcast:Don't Make Me Come Back There with Dustin & Melissa Nickerson Published On: Wed Jul 06 2022 Description: Dustin and Mel are in the Frontseat to discuss an article (ok...it's maybe more of a listicle) about the benefits of traveling with young kids. Topics include getting too old for back flips, how long is an appropriate amount of time to spend looking at the Washington Monument, and why you have to save New York as the last stop on your east coast trip (no offense, Philly). Plus, Backseater emails! Order Dustin's book: How to Be Married (To Melissa) today! Want to be a part of the show? Shoot us a message to dontmakemecomebackthere@gmail.com and get your very own horrible parenting/relationship advice. Check out our new Patreon page! Head to https://www.patreon.com/DustinNickerson for exclusive bonus content and to help support the show.