130: Fighting is for the Whole Family
130: Fighting is for the Whole Family  
Podcast: Don't Make Me Come Back There with Dustin & Melissa Nickerson
Published On: Tue Feb 16 2021
Description: That's right ladies and gentlemen, February is STILL for fighting as Dustin and Melissa get in the Frontseat to discuss Mel's attempt to destroy her family by announcing a college major change on Christmas Eve, the simple delight of seeing your sibling get in trouble, and why yelling at your kids can only get you so far. Plus...listener emails! Gabb Wireless makes safe phones for kids! All the stuff you want, none of the stuff you don't. Go to gabbwireless.com/promo/DUSTIN or use PROMO CODE: DUSTIN at checkout to get an extra $10 off your purchase. Want to be a part of our 'February is For Fighting' series? Leave a message at 619-292-8787 or email dontmakemecomebackthere@gmail.com to ask for terrible advice on how to argue or tell us your favorite relationship fight stories. Overwhelmed, Dustin's debut comedy special, is available now to rent or own on Amazon and Gumroad. A GIANT thank you from our families to everyone who's already watched. It's fans like you who make all this possible. Our Patreon page is LIVE! Head to Patreon.com/DontMakeMeComeBackThere for exclusive bonus content and to help support the show.