Veep vs. The West Wing
Veep vs. The West Wing  
Podcast: Pop Culture Debate Club with Ronald Young Jr.
Published On: Thu Sep 26 2024
Description: Which political TV show is better: Veep or The West Wing? Two familiar voices square off this week, with former host Aminatou Sow returning to argue on behalf of Veep and previous guest Hrishikesh Hirway taking the side of The West Wing. This is not going to be an easy decision for new host Ronald Young Jr. to make! Aminatou says that recent political headlines prove that Veep is a realistic portrayal of American politics, warts and all, while The West Wing is a liberal fantasy. Hrishi contends that The West Wing wasn’t meant to be realistic and was rather an incredibly entertaining TV show, and that Veep’s satire became too biting to be enjoyable. Which show will Ronald cast his vote for?   Follow Aminatou @aminatou on Instagram and X and Hrishi @hrishihirway on X and Instagram.   Keep up with Ronald Young Jr. @OhitsBIGRON on X and Instagram. And stay up to date with us @LemonadaMedia on X, Facebook, and Instagram.   For a list of current sponsors and discount codes for this and every other Lemonada show, go to   Joining Lemonada Premium is a great way to support our show and get bonus content. Subscribe today at  See for privacy information.